On-Site Consultations

Once a project is underway, you might need extra support on the ground. Maybe you need to collect cuttings for site-specific plant propagation. Maybe you’d like an experienced person on the ground to ensure activities are competed to spec. Or maybe you have specific concerns about your site. We are available to perform on-site consultations, provide project oversight, and perform other fieldwork as needed.

Plant Material Source mapping & collection

In 2012, Riley Consulting was contracted to collect seed from a variety of native shrub species within the Upper Columbia River watershed near Wenatchee, WA. The client intended to produce containerized plants from collected seed, which would then be used on multiple riparian restoration projects throughout the watershed. We were provided with a list of potential species, the locations of intended restoration projects, a description of the areas intended for restoration (elevation, soil conditions, general ecology), the approximate number of plants needed for projects, and a map that included land ownership. Riley Consulting identified appropriate collection sites (according to location, ecology and accessibility), arranged for permission to access sites when necessary, tracked plant phenology to determine appropriate collection windows, collected ~12 species of seed at optimal maturity, recorded field data (including GPS location) for each collection site, rough-cleaned collected seed, and delivered all seed and collection records to the client for propagation. Over 5,000 native plants were successfully propagated from the seed provided under this contract, and were later installed to improve riparian habitat along rivers and creeks in the Upper Columbia River watershed that provide crucial habitat for threatened and endangered salmonids.

revegetation oversight & assessment

Shepherd’s Flat is a large wind farm complex near Arlington, Oregon, which has been operating since 2011. The site encompasses three facilities – North Hurlburt, South Hurlburt and Horseshoe Bend. Brookfield Renewable took ownership of Shepherd’s Flat in 2021, and began the process of upgrading (or repowering) all of the turbines the following year to bring them into conformance with current technology. The repowering effort was expected to result in almost 400 acres of temporary disturbance, mostly within the original footprint of each site, and Brookfield would be responsible for restoring and maintaining native vegetation for the duration of their ownership. Brookfield contracted Riley Consulting in 2022, due to concerns about previously-restored areas of the site. Much of the disturbance footprint from the original construction activities was infested by weeds, and native grass establishment was poor. Brookfield wanted us to assess previously-restored areas, review new revegetation plans, and provide input to construction and revegetation contractors on weed control, site preparation, and seeding/mulching operations which might improve restoration outcomes. We have since visited the site three (3) times, providing detailed reports of our observations and recommendations, and are contracted to continue monitoring the site throughout the 2023 growing season to inform weed management and reseeding operations.