on-site project consultation

on the ground support for your restoration project

We offer on-site consultation services before, during and after project completion, including:

Pre-Construction Site Visits

Let us assess your planned construction design and site conditions to provide input and make recommendations for native plant restoration planning. Written reports are provided.

We also regularly evaluate construction plans and restoration plans to ensure compatibility. For example, some construction plans stipulate that any soil and rock removed during construction is staged in one single stockpile, then re-used as top-dressing following construction. This practice can result in nutrient-poor subsoil or even pure rock as the planting medium. If topsoil is stockpiled separately, however, it can be replaced following construction, reducing or even eliminating the need for expensive soil amendments or imported topsoil.

Identification of Plant Material for Salvage/Collection

With sufficient lead-time, we can identify plant salvage opportunities and locate appropriate source populations for seed and cutting collection near your project site. Using site-adapted source material can improve survival and establishment of many native species. 

Riley Consulting can also provide recommendations for high-quality native plant nurseries and seed suppliers in the Pacific Northwest.

Oversight of Native Plant Restoration

Let us help you maximize the effectiveness of your restoration actions. Riley Consulting offers direct consultation with contractors during project implementation, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of restoration actions, troubleshoot problem areas, and offer recommendations for improvement when needed.

For projects in sensitive areas (such as wetlands and stream corridors), we can help supervise construction and restoration activities in order to ensure that contractors adhere to permitting requirements and protection measures.

Riley Consulting has more than 20 years of experience working with construction and restoration contractors to maximize project success and avoid damage to critical habitat.
